New Therapy Group – Starting November 2019

“the group itself may be used as a theater of study and change, rather than as merely a place for postmortems and dissections of what has taken place in people’s lives during the week. [..] In modern analysis, the group experience becomes emotionally alive for all the members simultaneously, no matter who is actually speaking, and to whom.”

– Louis Ormont, The Group Therapy Experience

A new therapy group will be starting this month, November 2019. This is a chance for you to join a new group as a founder member.

The group will meet on Monday evenings in Pimlico from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

This group is based on group analytic principles. This means that:

  • There is space for up to eight people.
  • The group is open to men and women over the age of 18.
  • The group meets once weekly for 90 minutes.
  • Group members are asked to make a commitment to attend the group regularly.
  • There is no fixed agenda for each meeting – instead it is up to the members of the group to raise whatever is important to them at the time.
  • What is shared in the group remains confidential.
  • Group members do not have contact with each other outside the group.
  • Group members are asked to plan to stay in the group for at least one year. This allows time to get to know each other and for the process to deepen.
  • There is no upper time limit to how long a person stays in the group: each person chooses to leave when they feel ready.

If you are interested in joining the group, or you just want to find out more about it, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would start by meeting individually to help you to prepare for joining the group.

The fees for the group are £125 per month, which includes all the group meetings in that month.